Friday, December 25, 2009


Well I get to spend Christmas at the fire station. We did our Christmas yesterday and the kids had a very good time. I was a little surprised in the morning I figured that it would be the kids waking me up but it was actually my wife. After we opened the gifts we had breakfast and the kids got to spend most of the day playing with all of their new toys. Afound 4 we left and went to Suzannes house and did christmas with Tiawnas family. We had a good dinner then it was time for the gifts, WOW, insane we did not get done until 930. needless to say I was very tired, the kids were tired, I spent the night before up most of the night putting together a basketball hoop together that we bought the kids so put the kids to bed then me to bed, I hope that today is a slow day and I get to relax.

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