Monday, October 11, 2010


Well here I am in the middle of another term of school and I find myself wondering what am I doing. While I absolutely love doing my fire science classes I find myself really struggling with my history class. I have found that I have absolutely zero desire do learn anything about history anymore. To make matters worse I have to take an English Comp class next, You dont want to know what I have to say about that. Decisions Decisions. . . . . .

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pics of Tn

Trip to TN.

Last week we got to take the kids out to Tn to visit Tiawna's dad. We had a very good time and the kids loved it. The weather was not the best, it was in the 50's and 60's the whole time. But we were still able to do alot of fun things. Ben ended up getting pneumonia, so that was a lot to deal with. But all in all a very fun trip that the kids already want to go do again.


Well I spent the last couple of days moving block and 7 tons of sand. But I got it done and now the kids have a new place to play. We are going to be getting a swing set for them to put in there.

New Motorcycle

Here are some pictures of the new motorcycle. I have not been able to ride this much yet but I can't wait for the chance to get out there on it.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010

the basement

Well the basement is coming along, I now have all the electrical completely done, everything is painted, the trim is up, the tile is layed and grouted and sealed. I have the vanity, the toilet and the tub/shower all installed. I have all the light fixtures in and the carpet is being installed on tuesday. Today I was able to get the towel hangers and toilet paper holder and all that good stuff in the bathroom. SO there might be an end to this some day soon.

Avalanche Game

We spent the weekend in denver. Tiawna had a bike show for the Pueblo Biker Bash that she had to go to. SO she did that on sat and sun, after that we got together with a bunch of friends and went out to eat and then all went to the av's game together. It was a lot of fun even though the av's lost. All in all a very good and fun weekend

Ben's birthday

We celebrated Ben's 4th birthday. Due to it being during the week we had everyone over for cake and ice cream that night. Ben had a very good time. It was nice to get together with everyone as well.