Monday, November 2, 2009


Well after only sleeping from about 2am to 6am this morning at work, I came home to a very sad little girl that did not want to go to school for some reason. I am not sure what happened at their mom's but something happened I have never had troubles like this with her. After about a half hour of her crying and saying that I make her sad, I finally got her settled down and off to school. Now I need to get ready and take Ben to the dentist. Should be interesting he didnt like it last time. Then its off to get more sheetrock for the basement. I hope this morning is as interesting as my day gets. We'll see.


  1. Sorry to hear about the rough morning, hope it got better.

  2. She still had a very rough day. Homework was a chore. Today though was great no problems at all. the whole back and forth all the time with maria needs to stop.
