Saturday, November 28, 2009

Electric Critters

Last night we went to the Pueblo Zoo for a birthday party. After the birthday party we got to take the kids around the zoo to look at all of the lights. The kids had a very good time, the weather was nice a little cold but nothing a little hot chocolate could not fix.

Thanksgiving was a good time, we went to Joy's for breakfast, we were able to stay there for a while and visit with everyone. The weather was awesome we got to go out and through the football for a while. It was very nice to visit with everyone. We left Joys and went straight to Tiawna's families get together. We got there around 2 and stayed until around 5 or 6. All together it was a nice relaxing day.

I have spent the last two or three days trying to kick a cold or something. I spent most of the day yesterday just relaxing, I almost did not go to work today, but I woke up feeling a little better today.

I am hoping to start working on the taping in the basement wed or thursday. Tiawna's uncle is going to help me do it, So it will be nice to get one step closer. I will lpost some more pics or thanksgiving and everything soon.

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